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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tips for Super-Soft Feet

Aww, look at how soft and cute our feet started off when we were brand new little people.  But time, work and not tending to our feet can cause a lot of unwanted roughness.  Did you know that statistically men have softer feet than women because they wear socks more often?  It's okay, because here's is a great guide to help you get back to your beautiful soft feet.

Many tutorials offer different strategies and tools, but when it comes to making your feet softer, there are only three basic steps.

1. Exfoliate
~Soak your feet in water first or wait until the end of a shower so dead skin cells will come off more easily.
~Use a pumice stone, foot file, or cleanser with microbeads.  (You can also add sugar to an oil-based cleanser).  Exfoliating cleansers are popular b/c you can give yourself a foot massage at the same time :)
~The PedEgg tool is safe to exfoliate dry feet.
~Exfoliate smartly- do more on calluses and rougher areas.  Be gentle on softer areas.  Over-exfoliating will cause irritated, raw skin- ouch!

2. Moisturize
~Dead skin cells block the penetration of moisture, so now that you've exfoliated, your feet are ready to soak up the softness! :)
~Use a heavy duty moisturizer, such as a foot cream, night cream, anti-aging moisturizer, or body butter.  But honestly, plain old extra virgin olive oil also works great.  Whatever you use, apply a lot of it.

3. Seal in the moisture!
~Wear socks so walking around and air exposure don't undo all your hard work!  Microfiber material will help your feet absorb more moisture.  Wear them throughout the day or overnight to wake up to smoother, softer feet!
~Other methods include wrapping the feet in hot towels or other things.  But I've found that a good pair of socks have been the easiest.  Throw them in the dryer for a couple minutes if you want them luxuriously warm when you put them on.~

Keep using this technique and your feet will only get softer and softer...  Until you return to those baby-soft feet ;)

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